Meredith Young
Member Services Manager
1400 Abbott Road, Suite 310
East Lansing, MI
International Safe Transit Association
ISTA Con '97 has been set for May 9, 1997, in Atlanta, Georgia. This year's Annual Conference features world class presentations on preshipment testing, damage reduction and a special session on inter-modal shipping. We will also include time for round-table discussions. The registration fee of $495 for members and $550 for non-members includes all technical sessions and discussions, conference presentation materials and additional handouts, Wednesday and Thursday evening receptions, lunch and breaks. There is time scheduled for all attendees to visit our special Exhbitors room, featuring packaging suppliers, laboratories and equipment manufacturers. The conference and technical sessions will be held at the Hotel Nikko, a four-star hotel in Buckhead, just north of Atlanta. A special rate of $135.00 per night has been reserved for attendees. Please contact the number above to register or for more information. You may also get up-to-date information on our home page: