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This article submitted by ABM MARKING LTD on 11/18/99.

The new Electronic Baby 75 dispenser for Pressure sensitive tapes, announced in April is now in full production and we have ample inventory in stock in our Belleville warehouse. The new dispenser complements the current model SAE 23, for up to 4" wide tapes and up to 12" OD rolls, in a compact unit, still capable of handling 3" wide tape with an OD of 8" - Both machines cut any pressure sensitiva tape: filament, polyethelene, paper, cloth, poyester, foam, metallized, etc.... The Baby 75 carries a Suggested Retail Price of 965.00, the same level as most electronic dispensers for gummed tapes, well below the price of electronic dispensers for pressure senstivie tapes with a capacity of 3" or above. For the name of the distributor in your area, please e-mail at or call toll free - We welcome distributors inquiries.

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