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The world market for Polyester (PET) film has undergone huge changes in the last three years. World capacity has increased, competition has become fierce, and the growth rate has slowed. The outlook is for tough times to continue for at least two more years. The Americas market, which comprises the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Central and South America, represents 34% of the world market. Total 1998 sales for the region were $1.6 billion on a volume of 800 million pounds (360,000 Tonnes). Although differences are seen by country and end use market, the Americas Region volume is forecasted to grow by an average 3% per annum over the next 5 years. PET film capacity in the Region amounted to 700 million pounds (320,000 Tonnes) at the end of 1998. This shortfall in domestic capacity has allowed Asian producers to enjoy significant market share increases in recent years. This fact, plus intense world wide competition in the PET thin film market, has caused a collapse in PET film price world wide and the Americas have not escaped this price pressure. Additional USA capacity coming on stream in mid-1999 will create additional price pressure. These facts and more are included in PCI Films Consulting Service's just released market research study, "Polyester Films - The Americas Supply and Demand Report". This 400+ page report presents more information and details on the Americas PET film market than any other available source. It provides global and detailed perspectives on supply/demand/pricing for the World, the Americas Region, and the individual countries within the Region. Beyond these statistical analyses, it provides strategic and tactical analyses of the PET film issues affecting the American markets, country reviews of PET film consumption by end use and customer, and detailed analyses of the PET film suppliers' capacities and competitive positions. All of this is provided from a historical perspective, with hard data from 1998, and forecasted through 2003. In addition to the Report, a "Contact Database" of over 650 PET film purchasers in the Americas Region is provided on a CD-ROM. The data base contains key information, tables and statistics by region, country, end use market, and film purchasers. Each film purchaser is described by volume, film types, end use markets, and key suppliers. Addresses, phone numbers, and contacts are included for most of the film purchasers. For more details and information on the PET Film Americas Report call in the US at . Courtesy PCI Films Consulting Service, 2200 Timberlane Drive, Florence, SC 29506. Phone: ; Fax: ; Email: . Bruce Case VP-Americas PCI Films Consulting Service