Carry Home Pack for Coca Cola Cans

Die-cut from preprinted 'E' fluted board with in-built handle for carry-home facility and die-cut slot-staggered to enable housing of cans in 2 layers of three or two. The end use of the die-cut sheet has preglued and creased lines to form the handle or erection. It does not require machine to set-up the pack. It is being done manually and does not require any means of closing (i.e., staple, glue, tape, etc.). Received flat, easy to erect and carry. All construction from paper board and hence fully recyclable-ecofriendly. Product illustration with brand logo are explicit through appropriate graphics and total pack has 'COCA COLA' reflected all over. The five cans depict the olympic logo and five rings. While carrying the product, it gives a look like a basket. Pack was very well received in market, particularly during the Olympics.

Jayna Packaging Pvt. Ltd.
Phone: 38
Fax: 94
Nescafe/Free Mug

An innovative one piece design replacing previous two piece assemblies. The brief for 1995 was to secure all possible economies and particularly reduce the total amount of packaging used. Gaining in visual appearance the innovative design selected has provided economy of material with reduced contract packing, distribution and retail costs.

Encase Limited
Phone: 44 1
Fax: 44 1