
This is a revolutionary new paperboard packaging system, developed by Riverwood International USA, which not only protects produce during packing and shipping, but also improves its appeal at the point-of-purchase. Vertipack can be customized to desired specifications, and ensures stable cartons and strong, secure pallets. Vertipack protects its contents, whether shipping locally or around the world, and prevents bruising, crushing and spoilage of produce. Vertipack is produced in Israel for the local market by Frenkel & Sons Ltd., using locally-made designs for printing of the packages.

Frenkel & Sons Ltd.
Phone: 972
Fax: 972
Terry's Chocolate Orange Bar

Ease of Handling, Opening: Consumer-friendly, "Easy Opening System;" no damage possible to sensitive contents on opening the package to eat, for example a chocolate bar could be taken out of the package without touching the chocolate. Quality of Production: Inline cutting technology for the tear-open tab during roll sitting with exact placing to the print picture; even with cutting the tab the sealed seam is 6mm wide; partial cold seal coating omitting the tab; smooth processing on flow pack machines currently used in the industry (standard packaging machines can be used). Economy of Material, Cost Reduction: 3micron OPP mono-film; replaces current composite material.

Hueck Folien GmbH & Co. KG
Phone: 49 209
Fax: 49 190